Flashback to Eighth Grade Washington D.C Trip
The Lincoln Memorial, taken from afar, at night.
We all wish we could go back to the past. Back to the eighth grade Washington D.C. trip. The memories made last a lifetime and the lessons learned will take you far. Let the remincising begin.
Here we all are in high school looking back wondering where time went. Washington D.C. was one of the most memorable trips that leaves students looking back on the time spent there. A couple students at RHS hold onto those moments.
“There is no particularly favorite memory of mine from the trip, rather the trip itself was one of my favorite memories. I’d love to relive the whole trip as it was super fun for me and many others. While some parts of the trip seemed to drag on and seemed like it would never end, others were simply phenomenal,” said sophomore Jackson Hayes.
Junior Jayde Lawless said, “Being with all of my friends from school and being able to hang out all day and have fun was my favorite memory. The bus rides were very fun and interesting. It was also very cool that my mom got to experience it with me.”
“[My favorite part was] generally just learning about the past, especially about Abraham Lincoln. Before the trip, I barely knew anything about his assassination, and after the trip I learned who assassinated him and I got to see the place he died in,” said freshman Kennedy Barker.
Though the trip had a lot of highlights, there weren’t always those favorite memories. From being rushed, being cold, or the amount of walking that was involved, students shared some of their least beloved moments.
“The only bad thing about the trip was being on your feet all day. Also, at some point we were very rushed and didn’t get to spend a lot of time looking at the sites,” said Lawless.
Hayes said, “My least favorite memory would be the bus ride to and from D.C. as it was crowded and hot. Many people slept on the floor and people were stepping over you left and right. [It] wasn’t a pleasant experience to say the least.”
Freshman Shelby Miller said, “[My least favorite part was] the month we went to D.C. because in November it was miserably cold and ruined a good portion of it.”
Looking back, knowing they can’t relive the trip, some high schoolers wanted to share advice to all the eighth graders leaving Nov. 6 for D.C. Their hope is for them to have a trip they can remember and cherish forever.
Freshman Hannah Erb said, “Respect your chaperones, they are there to support you. Please don’t give them a hard time. Stay with your tour guides or your group. And most importantly, have fun!”
“Learn as much as you can and make sure you do everything possible because you’ll miss it when you’re gone,” said freshman Veronica Allen.
“Sleep when you get the chance, and make sure to have an absolute blast,” said sophomore Samuel Lohrey.
Junior Mandy Ward said, “Enjoy your time there while it lasts. It is one of the most fun and educational trips you will take. Dress warm!!”
Senior Dalton Miller said, “Have fun and enjoy it, you may never get to go again.”

Lilly is a senior in her third year of journalism and her second year of serving as Marketing Manager. She’s the President of FCCLA, a member at large, a part of NHS, and involved in Younglife. She plans to attend college in hopes of pursuing a degree in psychology and/or writing. She’s excited to see where life will take her and the adventures that await.