How COVID-19 affected Butler County Fair
The Butler County Fair has been an ongoing tradition since 1851. Kids will raise and enjoy showing their livestock, show artwork, the list goes on. Fair is an overall great time, but this year it was rough. There were many restrictions put in place because of the COVID outbreak this year.
Livestock kids wait a whole year to show their hard work and dedication but, this year wasn’t what they would desire. Jr.Fair was still going on, but there were many restrictions. Jr.Fair is for 4-H and FFA kids. 4-H is an organization where our youth can learn new things, grow relationships, and learn leadership.The youth can learn how to take care of animals, and many other things. FFA is an organization just like 4-H. You gain leadership values, and you become a role model. FFA helps you for your future, farming isn’t the only thing you will learn in FFA. You have to be 18 and under to show in Jr.Fair.
Aubrie Jordan, Senior, stated that “ The fair restriction affected me most when showing livestock I had to wear a mask.When showing cattle you are always moving. My mask would always slip down. Even though showing with a mask was hard, I’m still grateful to still have a fair.”
Kids were permitted to show their animals, but didnt get to experience the games, and hang out with their friends like last year,because of these limitations,
Wade Payne, Sophomore said that, “ Fair was not as fun because there weren’t many games. So we could only sit and watch the derby, after a while it got boring. I wish there were more things to do, but they did what they could considering the pandemic.”
Although this year’s fair didn’t go as we expected, Governor DeWine did all he could do to make it happen. He set many health codes to help us have fun while being safe.
Governor, DeWine stated that, “Face coverings for all staff and children over 10, unless they have a health exception. Symptoms and temperature checks when staff and children arrive. Washing hands throughout the day, including upon arrival and before departure. Frequent cleaning of high-touch surfaces. Regular deep cleanings.”
Overall, this year Butler County fair wasn’t the same. We are so thankful for Governor Dewine. and the Butler County fair board. Without them it would’ve been impossible to have a fair this year. Fair is truly a great part of everyone’s life; the memories and moments.

Lisa is a senior, and this is her 2nd year in journalism as a staff writer. She has also been in FFA for 4 years. Lisa has served as the RossFFA/BT chapter secretary for 2 years. Lisa loves writing about farming. One interesting thing about her is she loves haunted houses. In her free time she is either working with her dad or hanging out with friends. Lisa plans on going to Wilmington College for Criminal justice and serving in the military.
Ainsley Helling • Sep 28, 2020 at 4:49 pm
This is a great article, Lisa! You shared some important information that highlights a big event in the community- good job!