Trinity’s Journey of Art
With college application deadlines just around the corner, seniors are beginning to feel the stress to decide where they want to attend college and what they want to major in, especially at such a young age. When someone says that they are planning to attend college for art, the programed thought that almost everyone has is, “what about the limited career possibilities?”. However, Ross Alumni Trinity Stewert chose to follow her passion instead of listening to the stereotypical judgements.
Stewert graduated from RHS in May of 2020 and enrolled in The Art Academy of Cincinnati in the fall. Choosing to attend an art school was always on Stewert’s agenda. She grew up in an artistic household, learning the basics of art from her father as a young child and then expanding her knowledge with the help of her father, personal practices, and art classes.
“Growing up I was always encouraged to create, whether it be through music, visual arts, etc. I genuinely can’t remember a time that I wasn’t drawing. My mom was a huge supporter (and still is), but I think my dad was really the one who got me interested in art. He taught me the basics and anything he had learned through his own practices; then I explored from there,” Stewart stated.
With the copious amounts of practice and experience that Stewert has gained over the years using different mediums and styles of art, she has come to know what her favorites are and which ones are the most difficult to achieve. But through it all, she has learned that sticking to your comfort zone is the most detrimental thing you can do during your art process.
Stewart states, “I’ve found that experimenting is definitely necessary. I think that trying something, even when you have no idea what you are doing, is a great learning experience. No matter how the end result turns out, you will come out of it with more knowledge for the future.”
When she first enrolled in AAC, Stewart discovered the unique atmosphere of the art school stating, “I am fully convinced art school is the most accepting place to be. [No] matter your label or how you identify[,] people are always respectful and kind. I’ve learned, from many critique sessions, that a big part of being an artist is seeing the value of something, despite how simple it may be or if it’s not something you personally enjoy. I’ve noticed the classmates and staff at AAC are so inviting and provide a great sense of safety, which I’m sure is displayed at any other art school.”
During the time that Stewart has been enrolled in the art school, she has learned what makes art school challenging and not as easy as what everyone thinks it may be.
Stewart states, “Time management is [huge]. Art school is mostly project-based learning, meaning all of the assignments take a decent amount of time. Usually, I have to complete at least three solid art pieces a week (with documented process work) outside of class. That’s alongside multiple reading, essays, lectures, and anything else that may be thrown my way. It seems impossible at first but you’d be surprised how much can get done in little pockets of in-between time.”
No matter what, Stewart knows that she is in the place that she is meant to be and knows that she is on the track that was meant for her. After considering all types of design like fashion, animation, and interior design, Stewart hopes to continue on the path of graphic design when she graduates. Graphic design is a major that focuses on creating visual content to communicate to customers, such as billboards, logos and packaging.
If you are thinking about applying to an art school, Stewart shares, “Do your research. Assess what kind of experience you’re trying to get and then find a school that fits. For me personally, I felt that taking more general academic courses just wasn’t necessary. I was searching for a more focused approach on art. I chose The Art Academy of Cincinnati because they still offered the required academic courses, but centered around art. For example, my history class is based on art styles and techniques that emerged throughout different time periods and cultures rather than specific historical figures and tensions between countries. Different perspectives, it’s really just deciding which one suits you the best.”
Stewart followed her passion despite what others had to say about it and she has now shown that by doing that, you may find your place in the world and find happiness within schooling. This example enables many individuals under her to take that leap of faith and follow their true interests and not what is conventionally acceptable.

Ashley is a senior and in her second year of journalism. She is a Staff Writer and Editor. Outside of school, she enjoys reading and writing and will be attending college next fall for journalism. She loves to spend time with family and friends and traveling to new places. She is excited to be back in journalism and is excited to continue her education with journalism in the future.