Show Choir Now a P.E. Credit

Ross Legacy practices a dress rehearsal.
Ross Legacy Show Choir is a grand champion program that has many students putting in hard work every day. Last year, a school amendment was changed to where the students can complete their P.E. credit with two seasons.
In Sept. 2019, show choir joined other interscholastic sports, marching band, and cheerleading as counting towards a physical education credit in Ohio schools.
ABC 6 stated, “Show choir was added to the list of eligible activities that can excuse students from physical education. The amendment was introduced by Representative Tracy Richardson (R-Marysville).”
This was changed because a good amount of students involved in show choir were taking up a lot of their time by taking extra gym classes, or extra sports with show choir as well. This was restricting students from taking AP classes, and other vital classes because the students didn’t have enough time. With this change, students are now able to take more classes and be more willing to join show choir in order to fulfill their requirement with something they love.
Sophomore Noah Schlasinger said, “People only see basketball or baseball as a P.E. credit, but in show choir, the dancing and singing can be really exhausting as well.”
Legacy students must audition for their spots just as if one would have to try out for a spot on the basketball team. The two have many similarities, requiring many of the same skill set.
Choir and show choir director, Sterling Finkbine said, “I would say show choir is a combination of a lot of sports. It requires a high level of physical activity, strategy precision, and commitment and dedication.”
Legacy practices immensely. They are at the school putting in work twice a week, with some added eight-hour practices, and Friday and Saturday competitions, sometimes with the members being gone all weekend.
“Legacy members put in well over 250 hours throughout the year. Long days, long nights, lots of practice,” Finkbine stated.
Show choir also has “game days” similar to a sport. Their competitions are usually on Fridays and Saturdays.
Finkbine stated, “Game day for show choir is intense, but also relaxing. There is a lot of down-time to hang with friends, visit with folks from other schools, but when it comes to our competition performance, it’s intense, purposeful, and highly competitive.”
Schlasinger stated, “I’ve played baseball, soccer, basketball, and it’s different. You get a little nervous before a game, but it’s nothing like show choir. Before a performance, you get chills, and your stomach is flipping. [For show choir], you get really jumpy and nervous to perform in front of hundreds or thousands of people. I feel like you can’t have that experience from any sport.”
Show choir is physically vigorous, and the students are diligent with working in order to win and one-up not only other show choirs, but also themselves. They continuously work on improving their show and themselves in order to be the best.
The bill being passed has been a huge win for the arts program. Knowing that their hard work is being able to fill a requirement for graduation, but also that the program is being noticed by Ohio lawmakers enough to make a change.
If you would like to get involved in show choir, talk to Sterling Finkbine in the choir room, or message him on Schoology.

Jennifer is a senior and in her first year of journalism. She plays the clarinet for the band and Ross Legacy's show choir band. She is the Librarian for the band and is in Tri-M Music Honor Society as well. She plans on going to Miami University to major in English and minor in Law, to further a career as a paralegal or to go into the publishing realm. She loves hanging out with her friends, family, and dogs, and going to concerts. She is very excited to further her writing career.