Legacy Show Choir Competition Canceled

Thomas Pate

Ross’ show choir, Legacy performs on the RHS stage at the end of a long day hosting other schools at their very own competition.

On the one year anniversary of the COVID-19 shutdown, canceled sporting events are no longer abnormal. But what many don’t recognize is that our choir program is struggling with cancellations of their own.

For the last three years Ross’ show choirs, Legacy and Next Generation have held their very own show choir competition. The first announcement of the Ross Legacy Championship was a big deal as we are a smaller school in the state of Ohio. It gave our show choir students a new hope and something to look forward to amidst all of the other exciting events that come along with the season.

Sophomore Lily Pingelton said, “We did not know that we were not putting it on until like a couple weeks before we were supposed to host because they were still trying to decide if they wanted to spend the money on it or not, and when they finally did tell us that we were not hosting it was very upsetting.”

For some it may look like any ordinary production, but when looked at from a closer perspective you may recognize the hard work and dedication that is required from these students at each and every practice and performance, on and off the stage. To not be able to share this with other students from all over the region was heartbreaking to these performers.

One other challenge of this very thought out system calls attention to the financial aspect in this decision. From the outer perspective, it may look like an easy call in choosing to cancel the competition. Rather, it is not.

Choir director Sterling Finkbine stated, “We would typically do it, and it had a huge impact on our choir program and money. We usually bring in about $40,000 – and this year we did not bring in any money. So that’s a significant impact that we’re going to have to kinda figure out next year. On how we think forward, and plan forward because we don’t have that money coming in anymore.”

As disappointing as these circumstances have become, senior Ellie Naerhing helps to shed light in the darkness.

“The class of 2021 really has missed out on a lot, but our directors have worked really hard to ensure that we get an experience that is as close to normal as possible. I went into the year unsure what to expect so I was pleasantly surprised that the show choir was going to attend competitions. Of course I was sad that I wouldn’t be able to host a Legacy Championship again, but at the time I was just happy that there were going to be competitions at other schools.”

Although this year was used as a learning experience, much growth will be produced out of it. If you or a friend is interested in the idea of joining the show choir community, auditions will be held April 19 and 20 in the PAC. Make sure to check out the Ross Legacy social media pages for further information. In the meantime, “Take the stage, and leave a legacy!”