First RHS Members Inducted into New Music Honor Society
All inducted Tri-M members lined up with their certificates
On Apr. 13, Ross High School recognized some of its strongest musicians in their very first Tri-M Music Honor Society induction ceremony.
The new music honor society is co-advised by the band director, Richard Roemer and the choir director, Sterling Finkbine.
According to the Tri-M’s website, “The Tri-M Music Honor Society is a program of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), which focuses on creating future leaders in music education and music advocacy.”
Tri-M is the only music honor society, and was introduced into the school last year because Ross’s music program is one of the best programs in the school. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic and the school shutdown, the ceremony ultimately ended up cancelled.
Roemer stated, “Once I found out about the society, I thought that fits our kids. It helps both the vocal and instrumental sides work together, and get stuff about our programs out there.”
Tri-M members must be personally recommended by their music teacher, and accomplish requirements, such as performing in front of the group, in order to earn their cords, pins, and certificate to be part of the society.
Senior Kahlan Wedder stated, “I’m really excited to be a part of Tri-M. It’s so fun to be in a group of hardworking individuals that all have something in common. I’ve been part of the music program for many years, so being invited was a chance I couldn’t pass up.”
The ceremony opened up with members speaking about what the society means, and what it stands for. Tri-M stands for Modern Music Masters, which fits the students involved. It followed with the code of honor, the students individually acknowledged, and some performances from the students.
“A moment of the induction that stood out the most to me was the part where we recited the Tri-M code in order to be inducted in. That was the moment we were technically considered members of Tri-M,” said Wedder.
Roemer stated, “I don’t think the ceremony could have gone any better. The kids really enjoyed it, and it was short and sweet.”
Tri-M is similar to the other honor societies at Ross, inducting the outstanding students in the subject, and also doing service projects with them in order to better the community.
“We hope to do a service project that includes music in some way that the whole community could get involved with, and then use that to fundraise for a cause that we can help out, hopefully something with music,” Roemer stated.
The new honor society brings many new opportunities for the great music program we have at Ross. Congratulations to the program and the students that were inducted.

Jennifer is a senior and in her first year of journalism. She plays the clarinet for the band and Ross Legacy's show choir band. She is the Librarian for the band and is in Tri-M Music Honor Society as well. She plans on going to Miami University to major in English and minor in Law, to further a career as a paralegal or to go into the publishing realm. She loves hanging out with her friends, family, and dogs, and going to concerts. She is very excited to further her writing career.