The Fears of The Class of 2025

High schoolers are not the only ones who have fears and doubts for the future in their high school careers. Incoming freshmen, otherwise known as our current eighth grade class at Ross Middle School are also having fears and doubts as they near their entrance into RHS.  

COVID-19 is not making it any easier for the current eighth grade class to be able to join us. With masks, social distancing, and all of the day to day teen stress current eighth graders are feeling overly stressed and nervous to join us next school year. Going to a new building and taking more challenging classes can be nerve racking enough. 

Eighth grader Olivia Unger stated,“I feel nervous because of not just going to school during the pandemic, but also because it’s a new environment. I also feel that my biggest stress about next year is that I am taking some CCP classes and I am worried that I might be getting in over my head and I don’t want to get overwhelmed.”

Even without the stress and worry that come with the pandemic, current eighth graders are still nervous for their freshman year. Going to a new building and being around different classrooms, teachers, and students, it can be hard for some students to adjust. Current eighth graders are nervous that they will lose some of their friends and not be as accepted here at the high school. 

Current eighth grader Jossy Spencer stated, “I’m mostly scared about not seeing my friends as much but I’m really just nervous because it’s high school and it’s nerve racking that I’m going to be a freshman.”

Since we do not know what next school year will look like with masks, social distancing, and quarantine the incoming freshmen are concerned about how their first year of high school will be impacted compared to the freshman that came before them. Because their eighth grade year was already a year of missed opportunities; examples being the Washington DC trip, formal, and other extracurricular activities, so they are hoping their freshman year will be better and they won’t have to miss out on great experiences.

Current eighth grader Andrew Gettler stated, “I don’t think our freshman year will be as good as past freshmens experience. Our experiences will be different.” 

On the contrary, there are positives to becoming a freshman next school year as well. The class of 2025 will get a chance to try out for new sports, join new extracurriculars, meet new people, see old faces, and take new, more challenging classes. 

Unger stated, “The thing that I am most excited for when it comes to going to high school is definitely that I have a lot of older friends and people that I enjoy surrounding myself with which are already in high school. Being in the same place that I have more friends in is a big perk to the way I feel about leaving what I already know. High school will be a new experience but I am very excited for new challenges and a new-normal.”

One of the things that makes RHS students feel amalgamated is sports. The sports at RHS bring the students, community, and families together in so many ways. This is one of the ways the current eighth grader class are being welcomed here. 

Gettler stated, “I am looking forward to playing new sports like football next school year.” 

Others are looking forward to seeing family at school again and making new friends. It might be just school, but the idea of being in a new environment and seeing new faces brings some ease. To be able to make new friends, see old friends, and be around family all while starting something new can be exciting.

Spencer said,  “Definitely seeing my older brother at school again and I hope I meet a lot of new people and make new friends.”

Going from middle school to high school is a big change. You go from the top dog to the underclassmen with the snap of the fingers. All high school students understand the feeling of being a freshman and starting new. So be kind and welcome our incoming freshman with open arms next August.