Ross High School Band of Class Conquers New Horizons


Ross High School’s Band of Class marching their way through the city of Cincinnati, Ohio to perform for the Reds Opening Day Parade.

Recently the Ross High School Band of Class received many new opportunities to showcase their talents to the public such as playing in a tristate parade and traveling to a popular city.

On March 30, Mr. Roemer and the RHS Band of Class were invited to perform in the Red’s Opening Day Parade in Cincinnati, Ohio. While there, band students got to explore the city and undergo new experiences. The RHS students enjoyed performing for others while also spending time with close friends that they’ve made through the Band Program.

Sophomore Cameron Gieske said, “My favorite part … would have to be the Findlay Market. Findlay Market was right next to where we were waiting, so [my friends and I] got to go in and eat while we waited.”

Usually the RHS Band of Class performs in an auditorium or out on an open football field, but when they played in Cincinnati, they got to experience a new venue.

Sophomore Brayden Coulter stated, “My favorite part about the Opening Day Parade was playing in a big city and hearing our sound echo through the buildings.”

After the RHS Band of Class got to enjoy their time performing for all of Cincinnati, they were given the opportunity to travel to perform on the U.S.S. Intrepid in New York City.

Junior and Drum Major Aubrey Rettig stated, “It was super fun and a really cool place to visit. It was entertaining for everyone watching and for us as well… Overall it was a great experience.”

During their stay, the RHS Band members also got to travel to many popular landmarks which included Times Square and the Statue of Liberty.

Gieske stated, “Times Square was nothing like I had ever seen before. There were so many bright lights and places that I only recognized from different movies.”

Experiencing these rare opportunities exposed the RHS Band of Class to new environments with new people. These performances also gave them a goal to work towards when practicing for events yet to come. If you want to listen to the Band of Class in person, come watch them at ConZart on May 11 in the RHS Auditorium where they will perform in a joint concert with the Ross Choral Association.