RHS offers multiple opportunities for their students to express themselves in an artistic manner of their choice. This includes Art A, Art B, Ceramics, Photography, Yearbook, Journalism, and Crafts. Every year more students are given the opportunity to express themselves through the classes provided at the school.
Ross has always shown their appreciation for those creations by displaying the art created by students in the halls.The art department at RHS has some very enthusiastic staff members such as Art teacher Mrs. Baker stated,“If you enjoy Art A, and Art B then you can take a drawing and painting class, or you can do murals.”
When asked about her opinion on the effects RHS has on the artistic community, Ceramics teacher Mrs Lawson stated,“I think the ceramics program is growing fast, and it’s very exciting to see that coming from this generation.”
RHS students are doing a great job of sharing their ideas and applying them to real life as well as overall creating something new to bring into the world. With the help of students and staff we can make our community feel the urge to spread more positivity and encouragement to others around them.

Ariam Sauerland • Dec 11, 2023 at 1:06 pm
The last picture is my kaleidoscope photography project!