Vaping has become a big problem at our school over the years. Many things contribute to this issue but one reason for this is because of the fact people only get told that it’s bad and don’t elaborate on the harmful consequences.
People will become addicted to vaping for several reasons including stress relief or the headrush, but the number one leading cause of vaping is peer pressure. Many teenagers feel the pressure to fit in with the rest of their classmates. Sadly there is no way to stop peer pressure but there is a way to prevent it from happening to you. You could start by surrounding yourself with people who care about your health and aren’t a bad influence.
Vaping can lead to lots of harm to the development of the brain which may affect learning and thinking ability. Becoming addicted to vaping can also cause other problems including asthma, lung scarring, lung cancer, and a lot more.
Amy Anzilotti Board-certified medical article editor stated,” People who vape are more likely to start smoking regular (tobacco) cigarettes and may be more likely to develop other addictions in the future.” Anzilotti also explains that vaping can cause sexual dysfunction in men.
Another major problem that vaping has caused is that it can be very expensive anywhere from $400 to $5100 per year. That’s money that high schoolers should be saving for their future.
If you want to quit and can’t bring yourself to stay sober, there are many apps you can download that send positive reinforcement and keep track of how many days you have been sober. You can also try things like taking 10 deep breaths if you feel the need to vape, going for a walk to keep your mind off of your addiction, and going to a place where you’re not allowed to use one. If you have any questions you can direct message besmartdontstart_23 on Instagram.