Money has become a huge part of everyone’s life. Many students at Ross High School think that money is capable of buying happiness and there are students who think otherwise. Money allows everyone to live and fulfill their basic needs.
RHS Sophomore Faith McAlpin answered questions on a Google survey about if money can buy happiness and she stated,“Yes.”
McAlpin also stated,“It can, but to an extent; a lot of people get happy with items, and money allows people to buy those items. However, they can’t bring the happiness that comes with things like family.”
Money can’t buy time but it sure can buy you what you desire. Many times in your life it can feel like you need money to be happy, or that you need a certain amount of money. That’s not always true, and sometimes all you need is a person that can make you happy. That could be someone in your family, boyfriend or girlfriend, or even if you have animals.
RHS Freshman Carly Kroeger explains how money can’t buy happiness she stated,“Happiness doesn’t have a price, in fact happiness is priceless and can be experienced by people with no money at all.”
You could have no money and still have many things that make you happy. RHS Joseph Godbey stated,“Being with my family, playing with my pets, boating, hiking, and coding.” All of those are things that make him happy besides money.
On, article author Jessica Dickler stated,“If happiness has a price tag, the average person believes the magic number is $1.2 million, according to a recent financial happiness report.” Almost everyone has an ideal amount of money they want that would satisfy them. RHS Junior Avery Baker stated,“Enough to live comfortably with some luxuries.”
Do you think money can buy your happiness? Sometimes it’s not always about money it’s about the other things that will always be there no matter what, rather than money being temporary. You never know when you aren’t going to have it.