High school can be a very stressful time for students. Students a lot of times find themselves nervous about their future and what they might accomplish in the future.
According to Cross River Therapy, 45% of students feel stressed everyday. That is almost half of high school students. Stress can cause many other mental health issues.
High school students might worry about college, grades, getting homework done and mental health. All of these things can be very serious and lead up to a ton of stress.
Sophomore, Bryce Vonstein was asked how often he feels stressed in school, he said “Every second I am here.” Many students at Ross High School can relate to Vonstein.
High school in general is very stressful for high school students. High school can cause depression, anxiety and self-image issues. Some examples of why these things can happen to of the stress, bullying, and social media
Everyone has to go through high school and nine times out of ten it is not perfect and bad things will happen. College is also a huge stresser for high school students. According to EAB, 48% of high school students stress about college.
College is a huge idea for most people in high school. College leads up to students’ futures and what their life will look like.
Moral of the story, high school students go through so much in such a short amount of time. High school is a huge part of life and shapes who you are as a person. High school is a glimpse into adult life.