Many students around the globe including RHS are more addicted to their phones nowadays than ever before. There is no doubt that each day kids are starting to get on devices more and more.
Multiple families like to rely on cellular devices to get them places, to keep schedules organized, and/or contact their children.
When kids have phones on them it makes contacting their parents more accessible, if something is going on or if they just need something in general.
RHS Sophomore Logan Lampe stated,“Yes you should be able to have them in class not to use them all the time but you should be able to have some time on them.”
Many students at RHS believe that a con to having your phone in class is being able to get distracted very easily.
RHS Freshman Jaylin Ewing stated some pros such as,“You can listen to music while you work, check notifications quickly, use it as a calculator, check time faster, and gives you something to do when you finish all your work.”
RHS Junior Isabella Huntsberry was asked on a Google survey if not having her phone in class makes you anxious or stressed, why or why not?
Huntsberry stated,“Yes because if anything happens outside of school you won’t know until it’s too late.”
Can cell phones during class benefit your learning?
Sophomore Logan Lampe stated,“Yes Google searches can be better and also sometimes have better apps you can use.”
In conclusion, RHS students have different opinions when it comes to cell phones during the school day.