As we near the end of the school year there are many more events happening here at RHS. Two main upcoming events include, prom in April and the RHS talent show in May.

Ross High School has many fun things coming up as we are nearing the end of the 2023-2024 school year. “I’m really looking forward to ending this year and finally being a senior and getting out of this school lol.” Ady Casey quotes.
During these next few months there will be Prom, a Talent Show, and many different sports events. Now it’s time to start buckling down on your school work and getting things done and not allowing anything to become missing, to lower your grades.
Prom this year is on April 27th and many have already been prepared for months and can’t wait for the day. As for the RHS seniors, they’re trying to stretch these last couple months as long as possible being that this will be their last prom. “I’ve been to prom before with friends but this year I’m especially excited because I’m finally a junior and can go for real.” A.Casey stated.
Also, some may not even be in their senior year and will still be graduating this school year. Most will take a gap year but some may go into the work force right after school is out. To be able to graduate your Junior year you will need to have all credits needed and all the classes you are required to have before graduating + fees turned in.
We’re now bringing back the RHS talent show on May 3rd. It has been a thought to also open this Talent Show up to the middle schoolers to. The auditions will be held on April 3rd and the actual show will be on May 3rd. We already have multiple people performing including dancing, singing, and even drawing. A freshman from RHS Diesel Casey was asking if he will be auditioning for the talent show. “No that’s not really my thing.” D.Casey spoke. It’s hard for some people to get up on stage and perform and we understand that, but sometimes it’s good to face your fears and go out of your comfort zone.
RO-HI-TI has been working hard on the Senior edition newspaper that we create every year. Every Senior will be featured at least once so everyone gets a chance to be in the spotlight before their High School days come to an end. The Senior edition will not be dropped to May. Till then, the RO-HI-TI staff will be working hard to make the paper the best it can be!