Love Letter

Gracie Elliott smiling beside her sister Sam, and her brother Tucker while driving to a softball tournament.
To my dearest siblings,
I write you this letter to express my gratitude towards you and all of the joyful memories we’ve had together as I prepare to go off to college.
Yea, no. Let’s be real. Life as siblings is not all it’s cracked up to be. Between the hair pulling, screaming matches, and stare stand-offs, we’ve had our fair share of ups and downs. It would be doing our story an injustice to introduce this letter with such a sugar-coated sentence, so let me try again.
I’m really writing this letter because I’ve realized, all those times I said I couldn’t wait for college, I was incredibly wrong. I in fact can wait. I’m not ready to leave our chaotic house, to be honest I don’t think I’ll ever be fully ready to leave the nest.
Until now, I hadn’t realized how much I needed not only my family, but siblings as well.
Sam, you do a great job of keeping me in check, getting me out of my comfort zone, and making me laugh. Sharing a room all these years wasn’t the most glamorous thing, but it was one of the best decisions our parents made. All the sleepless nights staying up talking about boys and ending world hunger, or playing board games, or planning our dogs wedding, did not go to waste. I would do anything to be 13 again. taking videos of you making your funny voices and then getting a stern talking to the next morning for keeping mom and dad up. Most of all, I thank you for always making me laugh when I need it the most, you may have a tough exterior but deep down you really are just a teddy bear.
Tuck, you’ll always be my Lil’ Fart. I remember when you first came home from the hospital in your pumpkin seat. I used to sit and read you books for hours. Although I’ll hopefully get married and start a family of my own someday, you’ll always be my first love.
I didn’t really know what to expect when God put you in our lives. Being eight years older I figured you would be Sam’s new best friend. Come to find out, you’ve been one of the best friends I’ve had all my life.
I never would’ve guessed that the hardest goodbye would be to you. I figured that I wouldn’t want to leave mom, but in all truth, I just don’t want to leave my little bro. I originally dreaded having to pick you up from school every day, turns out that’s something I actually look forward to. I like having our brother-sister time and talking about our days, catching up on what’s happening.
I’m also going to miss going to Vince’s with you. Yes, I love the other boys there, however, I would hands down rather work out with my Lil’ Fart than any of them. You make sure to check up on me during difficult workouts and calm me down when I start to get upset. I know when all else fails that you’re always there to support me, even when no one else does.
As I bring this letter to an end, I want you both to remember that no matter how far go or how long I’m gone I will always be there for you. I will do the best I can to still be the older sister you need from afar, but I am only a call away.
Love you always, Gracie